Where has the world gone?

Feeling: angelic
Whatever happened to romance? Whatever happened to the people that actually felt emotions strongly enough that they were inspired to write beautiful poetry, poetry of pain, of love, of happiness, of loss? I've reviewed some of my entries and I'm amazed I even wrote some of the things that I did, but i'm even more amazed at how few people we see now days that can put their feelings, their experience into words as great as i have let alone as did the poets of old. I find it sad that todays world, todays cutlture has begun to focus too much on multiplying what we already have in stead of improving our lives, in stead of finding new words, new forms, for the things in life that bring meaning and hope and purpose to life. If you mention the likes of john milton, dante, emily dickenson, to people now days you get only questions and blank stares, and i've been persecuted and ridiculed far to much for reading such works. Society at one time thrived on those that revolutionized the world, those that stood apart from the norm, that said and felt and did all the things that the rest of the world was too afraid to experience, and they were idolized. Now these people are looked down on or forgotten, they're outcast and ostracized, society looks only now for conformity, people who wear the same clothes, that watch the same movies, that listen to and write the same music that has already been made before. where di we lose ourselves, where did we stop caring and move toward the weekness that is bread in conformity, where are our heroes, our villains, our hopes, our dreams? Is ther noone left that is worthy to be emulated, is there noone left that is willing to step outside the norm, to improve what we have, to push the bounds and limits of life and move on to something greater? Religion speaks of heaven, of eternal life, but these things can not be gained by faith alone, for faith is truely fruitless without works, and without striving to improve heaven, eternal life, are barred from us. When will someone stand up, when will the masses be ready to see that they have decided to sit down on the path that they were once moving on and no longer a striving toward those things that once truely meant something to all of mankind. I'm willing to step outside of the box, to rise above those that stand around me, but one man alone can acomplish only touching those things within his life, to truely change the world, all people must gather together and show the world that it is truely ready to move on. I call on everyone to find their convictions, to truely feel and follow their hearts and find those that will follow whatever cause that is worth fighting for, to begin again to walk some path toward the advancement of mankind in stead of the world comminting the greatest sin it could ever commit no matter the belief structure that anyone follows... Indifference.
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Hello, Ive been thinkin alot about how everyone is the same lately. I just meet so many different people and the majority of them have the same taste in music taste in books taste in style, alot of them the same personality, I think theres a lot of unique people out there that just try to blend in. I think kids today arent expressing themselves freely because their afraid their peers might mock their true interests or talents.people can be harsh
hello me brother."tis been a long time since the world has seen true luv or any emotion far that matter, but all is not lost.The mortals still have a chance to redeem thier lost hope,but they must realize the loss soon.Know that all will soon come to its time of asention.
Perhaps it has become too painful to share our expressions.
Yeah...the world has gone to shit. We need a revolution...we are way past due. Everyone has just been brainwashed to the point that they are who others expect them to be. It is absolutely absurd. Fuck it...our day will come....