I took this from sarah!

Im Tan i got an appliation to kirkwood ice rink today!! wo0t wo0t! ~~~~~~thing i stole from sarah~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When was the happiest time of your life? i guess like kindergarten through 2nd grade What is your favorite element on the periodic table? who cares Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? fudgecicle Describe your hair: shoulder length, brown. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out? a gumball Would you ever date your best friend? no Do you smoke or drink? used to/somtimes Do you wear jewelry? braclets and earings What was your favorite cafeteria food in high school? basco sticks!! Do you follow your head or your heart? my head At what age do you think you will be married? um whenever i get over myself! If love were a flavor, which flavor would it be? sour apple If hate were a flavor, which flavor would it be? cherry Do you dress up for halloween? duh! Is lying sometimes necessary? its sometimes nessacey but im really good at telling the truth no matter who it hurts. Do you work out? kinda Do you feel like your physical self matches your personality? no What was the name of your kindergarten teacher? i dont remmeber it was a chick How tall are you? 5'6 ish How much do you weigh? 150ish Whose singing voice do you love? Allanis morset Ever go on a blind date? yes Pancakes or waffles? waffles Are you on a diet? nope Do you act stupid around someone you have a crush on? kidna Do you have more trouble forgiving or forgetting? both, u cant forget if u dont forgive Do you believe in second chances? nope Favorite car? mm.. My Car What is the nickname most people call you? korkie or ky What cartoon character is most attractive? otto rocket What do you do whenever you're bored? listen to music or read. Funniest prank? i dunno a lot Something you think is pointless: getting close to people Walked in the rain: yes If you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be? PEA!!!!!!!! Do you believe in soul mates? NOPE What really annoys you? stupid people Has a bird ever attacked you? NO.. POOPED ON MY HEAD YES. Birthdate- jUNE 13, 1989 How many times do you have to look at a person to tell if they're hot or not? once, FIRST IMPRESSIONS Do you go by first impression? YES. ON LOOKS NOT PERSONALITY Favorite ice cream- MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP Weirdest thing you love to eat and make your friends sick? peas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What makes you stand out in a crowd? IM LOUD..NOTHING ELSE REALLY! Worst movie you’ve ever seen? NAPOLIAN DYNAMITE Favorite book? A TIME FOR DANCING Whose heart do you wish you could you melt? jUSTINS Have you already melted it? UNFORTUNITALY THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN How do you like your eggs in the morning?I DONT LIKE EGGS.. bUT OMG WHO ELSE REMEMBERS FRESHMAN HOMECOMING???? Favorite medication? that pink stuff that u put in the refridgerator!! Favorite month of the year? april.. i go to colorado When making a telephone call, do you rehearse what you’re going to say beforehand? no Do you have any enemies? dont think so How is the weather? today it was humid and sunny Where were you on September 11, 2001 when the attacks happened? seventh grade, mrs writes class Who was the last person you spoke to through IM: brutty What was the first movie you ever remember watching? jungle book Whose celebrity sense of style do you most admire? misha barton What were your favorite subjects in school? math What are you wearing today? shorts and a wife beater Current desire? to get a job at kirkwood ice rink. What are you most looking forward to this week? it being over How are you feeling right now? ish
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If love were a flavor, which flavor would it be? sour apple

If hate were a flavor, which flavor would it be? cherry

so emo haha
love, sare