{(one hundred nine)} Victory

Listening to: The Weekend - Victory
Feeling: dancy
I feel very silly (maybe cause I'm walking around with no pants on) wait, now I need to explain that. I woke up this morning with my pants off, so I got up and brushed my teeth, and I cant find my pants so I'm too weak to find a new pair (I'm not too weak, more like too lazy) so anyway, my panties match my shirt! yes! anyway, I think kill bill is a creepy movie. and I should know since, as of Wednesday I have watched *Dodgeball *Anchorman *Return to me *Uptown Girls *The Princess Bride *About a boy *Two weeks notice *Brave new girl *Napoleon Dynamire *Kill Bill so I know. yes I know anyway, I was sitting alone this morning and I got Charlie on my mind. CHAAAAAAARLIE WHERE DID YOU GO? Remember Meghan? when we had the camp out and you and I got lost in the maze and we were all screaming stuff about how Charlie was dead,. and then those girls wouldnt shut up so we made a plan to tp the tents...which we never did. May I ask why Zach is so insane? He lets us go to sleep at 3 am and makes everybody go home at 6am. its a crazy thing. Oh yeah, and then we had the igwets lock in... we fell asleep in the loft on those stupid mat things... You've got another think coming.
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hey how are you? i am ok i guess, no i am exstatic. later for now i bid you adue.