{(seventy-two)} Panic Attack

Scary stuff today. I was in health and I was watching some dumb video about condoms and spermicides and what not, and I was really bored... so I kind of fell asleep-ish, and I had this really bad dream (same one I always have... the car crash) and then I woke up and the video was on and I had only been asleep for, like, 10 minutes. So I was all hot and dizzy, and then I started getting sick and I was afraid I was going to throw up or something, so I had to fill out my planner and ask to go to the bathroom... Well, the health room had been all dark from how we were watchin that movie, so when I walked out into the hallway, everything was blue. I'm totally serios, it was blue with light shining through... like I was looking through blueness towards the sun or something, and I saw some teachers and the were blue and their faces were all blurry and the edges were running together. So I turned to go downstairs because I decided to go to the nurse and I fell down the stairs, then I got up and practically ran down the hall towards the nurse, then I got in there and passed out for a bit and when I woke up, my eyes were seeing again. And I didn't go home cuz I said I felt better. But the wierd thing is, the whole time I was walking towards the bathroom (before I fell down the stairs, when my eyes were blue) It all felt wrong... like it was a dream. I kept telling myself that it wasnt actually happening. But it totally happened.. and now, when I think about it, It still feels like a dream.
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holy shit...what the hell do i say to that? lol