
I am sick and I don't like it! I just want to go to sleep but my body just doesn't understand the concept sleep for some reason, well atleast when I want it to like now.
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Table for 2 now Table for 3

-It is strange how things happen in life. I think there is a reason for everything and sometimes we don't know why they happen until something occurs and we realize there was a plan after all. kim : )
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-So things have been kind of crazy around here lately. There is never enough hours in the day, especially on the day you have so much to do and then on the days that you have nothing to do there seems to be an abundence of hours that will never end. So I can't wait till school is all over with and let me explain first of all yeah its school and not that I am ready to get a real career job or anything but I just need more money. It is sad but money does make the world go around even if you aren't a greedy person and I am not but I just wish I had more money so I wouldn't have to work as much and then I could help people out when life gives them lemons. : ) Oh well I guess it is the college experience being poor and broke. Well let me tell you what an experience : ) not all it is cracked up to be. But, I found out the other day that maybe me and janet can get this food card so that way we can save money on food, that would be nice because that would save both of us some money. I also can't wait until my car is paid off only $500 more to go and that will save me about a $100 a month and then when I get done paying off my school tuition that will save me almost $200 a month so I will be able to put more into my savings and build that back up because it is looking low but what can I do not much. Ok enough complaining about money it is just in the air because maybe the lack there of. But, thank goodness for my wonderful sister. She has helped me out before and she is just really a good person and deserves a lot out of life because she really hasn't changed she has always been the same person deep down inside. So that is my sappy thanks for my sister. : ) Ok so I am going to go finish up my lovely laundry. kim
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-School started on tuesday and so far so good but its only been the third day back so I guess it would be. I have four classes this semester and then I will be done and on to ISU. I hope this semester goes by fast because I am ready for the summer because it is so cold outside. I use to like the colder weather but when it feels like it is piercing your skin then that is not good. Not to much going on as usual but that isn't always bad. Just work and school and hanging out with friends. Janet, me, and probably mike are going to help Angela move on Valentine's day. I don't want them to move because it has been nice having them here in town and being able to see precious little Zoe but it is ok because now they can save money and have a better or less stress about money life in the future. If that makes any sense. Me and janet I think might try a low carb diet because those are probably the best to get results but still remain healthy by working out and eating right. Not cutting out all the carbs but lowering it to an amount that will help lower our sugar intake. I think it would be good, well especially for me. ok so anyways, later. kim
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Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

-I made up a jingle for the holiday food feasts. Lean back, Lean back, I said my fat don't dance so I just unzip my pants, throw the junk away. I know corny but I thought it was funny. ok I will stop, : ) kim
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Christmas time is near

-So today I turned in my English portfolio and I am all done. Yah! Well done with English that is. I am so glad no more english classes for the rest of my college years. I am glad school is going to be done with next week. This semester went by so fast now that I look back on it but I guess that is a good thing. -On to other things. I need to go to the doctor for lets just say feminine things but I don't want to even though I need to really badly. I know something is wrong but I guess I just don't want to have to hear it from the doctor. Yeah, so that is really what has been on my mind lately because the longer I wait the longer I won't know what is wrong with me. -On to possibly a lighter subject. I need a boyfriend, ok. Well maybe I don't need one but I really want someone. Life is never easy and my life really isn't even that bad. ok I am going to stop rambling, kim.
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More Snow

-So it is snowing again here in the great state of Illinois. So today has been an ok day I really didn't want to have to go back to school today because it was nice having 3 xtra days off during the week but atleast there are only 2 regular school weeks and then finals left. I can't wait till winter break a nice and long month off. I hope it goes by slow. Even though I am kind of looking forward to getting the spring semester started because I will get my associates degree in May and then hopefully off to ISU to get the degree that really counts, right. Well I guess I better work on hmwk wish I had more interesting things to talk about but I really don't. kim
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The Snow has Melted

-So on Wednesday we got 6 1/2 inches of snow here in Bloomington-Normal it sucked but we did get to go sledding and that is always fun, except driving in it. So christmas is in less than a month. I need to start Christmas shopping for presents. I am not sure what I am going to get for people this year because I like getting presents for people but this year I have a smaller Christmas present budget. I don't wanna go back to school on Monday because I have a test and I am having to much fun not having to be in school. Only two more weeks and then I am out for a month. ok I will stop complaining. :) kim
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Turkey Time

-This week should be good because I only have class today and tomorrow which is cool. Things have been pretty slow around here not much to do but school and work. This week I am working 37 hours which is awesome because that will be an awesome paycheck which is always a good thing with the holidays coming up. I don't know what to get people, I want to get everyone something nice of course but what to get them, oh well I am sure I will find something. Just a little over a month until Christmas and then the new year. Ok well I am going to stop rambling and work on an accounting project that is due tomorrow. kim
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Work and stuff

-So things have been going pretty well, lately. I am so glad school is almost done with for this semester. Next week is thanksgiving which is cool. Not to much going on just because I have to work all day. I always enjoy going to see my family but if I can't and have to work I guess getting paid time and a half is always nice. So this year at work we get our Christmas bonuses which will be so nice. It is like an extra pay check, and a much needed extra pay check. I am trying to build my savings back up because it has gotten pretty low or lower lately and I like to have some money in there so just in case I get into a rut I have something that can get me out, something like that, lol. kim
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Happy Birthday to ME!

-So today is my Birthday! I am 20 years old today. Birthdays are always fun. At 20 years old I am not sure there is anything new that I could do that I wasn't able to do at the age of 19 or even 18. But that is ok because it is 1 year closer to the age of 21 which well I am sure we all know what is allowed at that age. : ) But anyways it is a pretty good day besides the fact that I have school throughout the day, oh well. kim
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-So a lot has been going on as usual. Monday night Angela had her baby. I am so excited because I just love babies because they are so cute. And her baby is really really adorable. So besides the good news about the baby me and janet are staying at the apt. because we got our rent lowered. Even though I will have to pay a little more, then I was previously because her mom was helping us earlier that is ok because it is now really our apt. before we were just sub-leasing it but now it is ours if you get the idea, haha. Why do parents have to make things so complicated. I mean I know what I am doing and I know they are just trying to do or say what they think is best but I am going to do what I want to do and I can control my own life. I am almost 20 I mean I know I still have somethings in life to learn but honestly I am pretty responsible, have a good job, and go to school. The only thing I wish, is I wish I was a little more organized. But other then that things are good. stu
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Crazy Times

-So things have been pretty crazy lately or so they have seemed. Yesterday was really busy. I got up early to work on a paper then I had to run home so I could print the paper because I don't have a printer for my labtop. Then I went to my Economics class and then to my English class. Then I ran to work because I had to get my early evaluation. Everything went good and I got my 4 % raise. Then I ran to my moms work because she wanted me to stop by because she was bored. So I ran up there and talked with her and I made a few phone calls because I have to get my car fixed so got that taken care of for next week. Then I called the doctor because I had a bump appear on my next on Labor Day so I thought I should get it checked out to be sure it was nothing. I called the doctor and they got me right in because no one was really scheduled for the afternoon. So I ran to the bank then to my parents got something to eat. Then ran to the doctors to find out that the bump is a lymph node that had risen and it is nothing and should go away soon. So after that I had to call work to see if I had to come in because I was on call and I didn't so I stayed at my parents house and ate some dinner and watched some tv until I decided to go back to the apartment and start working on some homework that I had for today. Yeah so yesterday was crazy. Today isn't to bad just doing some laundry and working on some stuff for my afternoon classes and studying for the test I have tonight in my Bus. law class. Hopefully it won't be to bad. So ya I wish I didn't have school and wish I didn't have to go to school to make any money in the future. But I know that won't happen. Well I am going to go study or try to because I always get distraced really easily when I am doing something I don't wanna be doing, lol. Anyways, Later stu
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He likes me

-So this guy named Brian likes me and I like him. Never saw that one coming just because I like met him once before and never thought anything of it until one day I get a call to go hang out with some friends and he is there and we start to talk and now we are dating well kinda, lol, in the process, if that makes any sense. I am excited. So anyways hopefully he will come back in to town now that his friend is able to come back, long story. stu
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Going Back

-So on Aug. 13 and Aug. 14 me, janet, dani, my sister, and landon are going to chi-town. I am in love with the city, so much happening, so much to see. My sister will be 21 on the 9th so that will be cool and I know a lot of fun for her. Well I just wanted to write real quick. stu
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-Chicago was so much fun this past weekend. I love the city. There is always something going on and never a dull moment or so it seems. Two days is not enough time to experience all a city has to offer. I love to travel because there is so much to experience and nothing can go wrong with good friends by your side. I am glad everything worked out as well as they did. I am ready to go back and see what the city has to offer. I think as people get older they appreciate things a lot more and that is what I am learning right now. I am almost 20 and I appreciate everything that happens because you never know when things can turn around and change so living each moment and taking chances can be a good thing. And that is the thought of the day, lol. Going back to Chicago would be awesome even just to go back for another weekend would be great. To bad I can't just win the lottery and take me and my friends back right now. Just to take everything in. Just thinking about it makes me want to get on a train and go. If life were that easy I would be there right now. The one good thing about leaving a place that you love is that is leaves you looking forward to the next experience and when you can go back. If we went and stayed and got to do everything we wanted then I think going back would still be a great idea but the things that we would be looking forward to would be lessened because we got to do everything we wanted. I believe that there is always something to look forward to but not doing something that you wanted to just gives you a good reason to go back and see what you have been wanting to do, if that makes sense. Well I better go but ya it was an awesome trip and I can't wait till I can go back. stu
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-Well it has been a while since I have written but things have been kinda busy and the internet at the apartment isn't working anymore. It is really hot here. It is supposed to be 90 today. I don't like the hot weather just because it gets so humid here so everything feels sticky. Well gotta work on some stuff. stu
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the roses really smell like boo ooo ooooo.... or is it pooo oooo? haha. This is Janet, kim is letting me write an entry in her name. This is fun. Kim needs man loving. so do I. ~Janet yes I do.......haha stu
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Tap your head and rub your belly

-Put your pants on! hahaha So I haven't been writing in my diary for a while but it is kind of hard to find the time lately. The apartment is great and is going good can't believe I have been out of my house for a month now. I am walking more which is good like almost 2 miles a day which is good in the morning. I hope to continue this walking trend, lol. So things have been pretty crazy but don't have really a lot of time to get into all the info. I am in a really good mood right now just have a lot to laugh about I guess. I started my two week mini-mester today and it is good. The teacher is nice so that is a plus and time goes by fast so that is good. Well I better go because my parents are coming over to try and hook up an antenna to the tv so me and janet can just get the basic local tv channels and not have to pay for fricken expensive cable. Oh well. stu
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