Fun Day

Feeling: torn
-Today was a pretty fun day! Woke up to my sister's boyfriend banging on the door, lol. Then had a friend over till it was time for me and her to go and meet some other friends for lunch. That was fun we got to talk and bitch bout work at stuff lol. Then went to a meeting at work, it went well, just learned bout some new codes that were going into effect. Then came home and waited for my mom to get home so I could go pick some stuff up for her. Then took my little brother to soccer practice. Then went to a friends volleyball game. It went really well it was against the town rival. I guess you could say. haha Then went to Taco Bell had some supper then came home. And, that was bout it. It was our friends senior night though for Volleyball and I feel bad because me and my friends should have stayed after the came for cake and a presentation but one of my friends was being bitchy and I should have spoke up and said I wanted to stay but I didn't. Well anyways the day went by pretty well. Can't wait till tomorrow though I get to go and see Michelle Branch in concert. Yeah! I am sooo excited, it should be really good. well laterz, stubbs
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yeah i wish we could of stayed for ryan, and had some cake.. but beth drove.. and she coughed an attitude with me, so I just dropped it. :(
YES!! michelle branch!! we are gonna have fun girl! rock on!
your flower is pretty.