Looking in the Mirror and Not Liking What I see

-I wish I had confidence in myself. I get so discouraged if something does not work or if progress takes longer then I have hoped. I wish things just came as you asked but I guess where is the fun in that. -I feel like I am consistantly eating lately, like it isn't bad stuff well except for at work tonight but for some reason lately I have just been eating none stop like I have to always be chewing on something and it makes me so mad because it isn't helping anything. -I can't wait till school is out. I mean this semester is going ok but I just wish summer was here. Today I went in to see my advisor to make my summer and fall schedule so I got those things done today, which is good. College goes by so fast but really I want it to because I am sick of school I mean I don't hate it or anything I just get bored and want to go out and do something other then sit in class. I am taking speech this summer with my friend dani, so that will be fun and it is at night. I have never had a night class before so it will be really interesting, but in a good way. -The weather here lately, has been changing like night and day. It snowed yesterday and last night but was close to 50 during the afternoon I am suprised not a lot of people are sick with alergies but that is definitly a good thing. -This year has gone by so fast already. I am gonna be 20 in November man I feel old, even though I know 20 is nothing it is just one of those milestones a person reaches in their life even though not a lot of people look at that age as a big deal such as 21 or 18 or 16. But if you think about it, 20 is the age where people realize you should be responsible because you aren't 19 when people are like oh they are freshman in college and are just showing off. You aren't 21, so ya you can't do everything but you are getting ready for what is to come, it is hard to explain, i don't even know, lol. -I wish I could win the lottery, even like the little lotto, man I would have money for school and then I could move out of my house. If I won the lotto I would put money in my savings for school. Then I would pay off my parents house and get them a new one because that is what my mom has wanted for the longest time and new dishes, lol. Then I would pay for my brother and sisters education, and get my sister an apartment. I would give money to all my friends and pay for their education, then I would give Janet a new car plus paid education. Then I would give Angela money to buy a house and an SUV, then some money for the baby. I would give money to my uncle for his business because it is just starting to take off, knock on wood. Then the rest I would give some to charity, I wonder if their is a charity for kids with diabetes or sudden infant death syndrome. I am sure their are I just don't know the specifics. Then the rest in my savings account for retirement because lets face it by the time I am 80 when they let me retire because of all the new technoloy letting people live longer I doubt that I will get any social security money. -I hope my dad finds a new job. He got a temp. job helping a company move and go threw files but he doesn't like it. I know I have said this before but he works hard and he deserves a job he can call his own and benefit the fullest from. -I got some scholarship information from school today hopefully if I fill out some information and write and essay if needed I could win some money to help me pay for school. That would be so nice. -Those are just a few or more things that I have had on my mind I am sure their are some other things that I could write about but they can be for a later entry. stubbs
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stubbs...lol i just love your username. well later, amie
don't worry kim, you are still young, and things in life will change. We all have problems with our appearances. Nobody thinks they are perfect, we will always find things wrong about ourselves, but there is always someone out there that thinks your perfect the way you are. Least I think that's true. Its so nice to think about! Winning the lottery would be soo nice. It would be cool if celebs would send us money, instead. haha. :)
lol well i think it is really funny. my buddies come up with really really wierd nicknames so i just stick with my real name haha. well you seem really sweet. talk to you later, amie