Back to School

-So today was my first day back to school. I had Engish and Math today. It went well my teachers seem nice for the most part. Tomorrow I have Biology, Math, and then Economics. My schedule this sememster is not as nice as the schedule that I had last sememster but that is ok. I have 2 classes on mon. 3 on tues. 1 on wed. 3 on thurs. and 2 on fri. so they are mostly evenly spread but I would rather just get them over with and have some days off. Not to much new around here just trying to get back into the swing of things with school and all it is hard but nice having a month off but then having to go back, it is almost like summer break but cold out, lol. It will be an interesting semester I think I will have to work hard because this sememster everything or my classes have things I have not already heard or know what they are talking about. Ok enough of this boring talk, lol. laterz, stubbs
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back to school.... *Cries* it sucks. :(
Least spring break is in like 4-5 weeks... even though that feels like forever and a day. Why did you change your pop up thing to say "Short and wide?" you big weirdo!!
thank you!!
i'll write them down!!