
-Yesterday I went and saw my first hockey game ever! It was so exciting. I had always liked hockey just never made it to a game. The Riverman won 8-2 which was awesome. And there were 2 or 3 big fights but there would have been a bunch more if the ref's didn't get in the way and break them up, oh well, lol. Next season I will have to go and see them play a lot more because ya the game was good and the men there were also looking good, haha. I had to work today and it sucked because it was slow and I am training another girl who is almost ready to be set free on her own, lol. So she knows pretty much everything already. I am just there if she has any questions but she really doesn't. So I just sit there. I guess it is a good way to get paid for doing really nothing but I would rather be doing something. I can't wait till May it is going to be an exciting month. I move out of my house for the summer and possibly permanently depending on how things go which I am sure great but money wise, mostly. Also, my good friend is graduating from the community college we both currently attend. Then I am going or planning on taking a course that is called a mini-mester which is a course in two weeks. Five hours a day for ten days, sounds like a lot but it will be worth it in the end. I started to make a list of all the things I needed to get and take with me when I move. I know it isn't a big move but there are a lot of things that I have to consider but I think I will just bring over the basics in the begining and then slowly bring over other things. I know I keep talking about moving but I am excited. Extatic, lol. Well anywho, things are pretty good here just trying to survive this semester of school and make it to this summer. laterz, stu
Read 13 comments
We now know where the hot men are. :)
I am excited about moving too! I'm waiting for the damn summer! and a party up in our apartment!
YA I NEED TO make this semister work too i hate school
i don't mind work, i just would like to work my real job where i make money and why i need school there just going to train me to do it there way anyhow!!
i need to go to school to get a job lol school for another 4 years then get a job to pay school back to then relize it not want i might want to do ooo how fun life sucks that we die
thanks but why does it always end up biting me in the ass
oo by the way i like the fish icon
lucky ur moving out!!
thats kewl, got to have a hudge party now
thanks for talking to me i just need to talk to somone, i am really lonly tonight
are u moving in with medusa?
shes kewl!! i was talking to her too lol
its a small world after all