Going good

-So today I went out to eat with my mom and a friend of hers. It was good we went to the Tom's pancake house. I am supposed to go with my mom and my uncle here real soon to see my grandma, she is doing better then she was, her spirits and better i guess you could say. But anyways gonna go do that then my mom wanted to go out to eat and possibly see a movie but I am not sure because she rented a bunch of movies and she might just want to stay home and watch those but I am not sure what I am gonna do because I wanna hang out with my friends but if my mom goes and sees and movie a prob will go with her, nothing like a good movie in the theatre, ya know. Classes have been going good I just got through the first week of classes and it seems like everything will work out well just maybe a little challenging at some points but it never hurts to have a little challenge and it will help me see what college it really like because last semester my classes were a little easier then I thought but this semester I have all college level courses and so ya, I guess you get my point, lol. This year seems to be getting better (knock on wood). The beginning of the month didn't get started to well but things are straigtening themselves out and stuff. I am still car shopping i went to look at a '90 corsica in El Paso because it looked good and the mileage was good, so my dad and I go to the dealership and ask to test drive the car, and so the guy goes to unlock the car and has trouble with that, then he can't get the car to start b/c the battery is dead as a door nail, lol. So then he tries to go and lift the hood of the car to check out the problem and it won't open. Ok given that the weather had been cold and the car had not been driven in who knows how long, but that is just kinda bad and I know the salesman probably felt stupid but still it just looks bad. So probably just gonna keep looking even though the salesman called and said that they fixed everything, you never know if they just fixed the little things to get it through the test drive. Oh well, just gonna keep looking till I find what is right. So anyways a lot of little stuff going on but nothing big. laterz, stubbs
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