mixed up!

Listening to: someday-nickelback
Feeling: confuzzled
heyhey sorry bout the previous entry dont pay attention to it or at least the charles thing cuz its totally screwed up!! cuz supposedly the things he said was actually his dad on his msn! n if it really is im gonna be soooo embarresd but bummed at the same time, just cuz i dont get complimented by guys AT ALL! n so it was kinda nice to hear those things but i have such a gut feeling that it was one of his jack@$$ frends or his dad....which would suck! so princess sophia im sorry to get u mad bout nothing!!! be very happy that it was his dad.......i think.... oh goodness...! newayz! my arm hurts really bad rite now cuz i was play fighting wit my frend n then she like hit it er sumthing like hard or hit a vein idk! but its hurting real bad rite now! ughhhhhhh well ima gonna go ttul luv ya! ~Neen~
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hey yeah i dont htink is was his dad.... that would br very gross if it was!! lol luv ya bye!