boys= bad things lol

okay, so as all of you know i like jason mathews, not linzes jason lol. ohio jason as most of u know him lol. k well heres my huge fucking problem. i like him alot. alot alot alot lol. like EXTREMELY alot lol and hes a real sweetheart n hes fun to talk to and everything but the problem is. hes so fucking god damn hot n hes had so many gfs that alot of girls want him and he flirts with alot of girls but then he tells me they dont matter neen they dont matter cuz it only matters that i like you n thts the only thing the girls dont matter....but like they do! when hes flirting with them n joking abut marriage and sex n all that shit. but like i feel like the underdog becuz alot of the chicks he flirts with are all girls who show skin and either drink or smoke n im kinda not that what so ever, so he kinda flirts with them more? idk but it really really really really really sucks cuz i have NO fucking clue nemore i told myself i wouldnt get involved but i really like him. i really do. i hate life!!!!!! grrrr this is so frustrating!!! :( gah! im going now lol none of u can probs help but thanks newayz i just needed to vent lol luv ya all ~Neen
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sweet... to bad this guy lives in ohio... and that he is super hott or w/e... sucks... sry thou... wish i could help... honestly... but if there is nething at all that i can do!... let me kno!! and i'll help!!!:D k!? ttyl...take care...bye
im soooo going to help! what do u want me to do!? lol