
Listening to: Photograph-Nickelback
Feeling: emotionless
Just to say...I'm the stupidest person alive...but guess that all works out. My computer screwed up so that's why I didn't update on the "event". Well...of course we got back together...then just broke-up again. Supposedly for good...which is why I did it. I don't know...I guess I just suck as a girlfriend. I just can't stick with telling guys to leave me alone...or to not touch me...I just end up feeling so weird about it...I just try to avoid them all together...or I'm friends with them and I don't want to screw that up. James asked me to choose up front if I would just tell the guys to quit or us break-up and him not come I chose to do the thing that would give him the least amount of pain in the long run and said I couldn't handle telling them to stop. Honestly, I don't think it'd be easy because of the fact I haven't told them to stop before. Either way...he says I don't care because of the path I chose...but I think it shows that I do...because I'm tired of hurting him so much, annoying him, and just arguing with him over the stupidest shit. Of couse I miss him...but hey...I'm not going to screw things up for him again. That's the reason I did it this time...I knew he wouldn't come back and I wouldn't give in. I don't care if he reads this and it changes his outlook on everything...I'll still be as much of an asshole as possible to him...doesn't matter if he sees through it or not...he'll give up eventually. You know, I've always been an asshole to guys I've why bother dating or getting married? I always say that but I just can't handle staying alone when I like/love someone I guess...I'm sucker for that kind of stuff. Really there's no point in me typing this...because something always changes. Oh, only good thing...I'm looking at cars this week so maybe I'll eventually get a vehicle. Wow, I'm doin' great. I miss him...
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I miss you and I Love You So Much.... Hummingbird
awww i'm srry...