Feeling Depressed

Feeling: dead
I love this song...and "Dance, Dance"...Fall Out Boy ish da best! Not everyone prefers my taste in music...it's changed a lot over time so...yeah. I was listening to some of my heavy metal crap on the way home from school and I started laughing because it seemed so stupid now... Anyway, I just typed out this long thing on here...and the window got closed...I really didn't want to type on this diary anyway because of who all looks at it...but I like getting advice and comments I guess...and getting what's bothering me out somehow, so I guess I'll type all this again. I just wish I could change the fact no matter what...at the back of my mind...I'm always wanting a family and a baby (if you don't know my past...I don't want a sermon). The only thing is...I used to just use my heart in things like that...now I can't do that anymore...I use my brain as well...which is really confusing with you argue with yourself. I'm just tired of not knowing where I'm going in life...I'm really scared...about everything. College scares me...but I'm not going to a HUGE one, and I'm living at home (because my family wants me to...-_-;;) so maybe it won't be too bad. I don't know what I want to major in...the medical field is all I know. Maybe Nursing or Pharmacy... Random other new stuff...I got a new car, cell phone, and laptop (good deal...so went ahead and got it...even though some computer geeks would probably say it sucked because of whatever might be wrong with it in their eyes, no offense ^_^;;). I'm not using it now...I could get on the internet with it at home since we have a router...but something's wrong with it so I'm not worried anyway...too scared with my luck I'd end up with a virus. Maybe I'll fix the router sometime. I want to correct my Senior paper on my laptop (we got back our papers today to fix, and if I turned it in like it is...I'd get an 83, whoo!)...but I need Microsoft Word...I think I've got the disk somewhere...which I want to borrow a better version but eh, why be picky? Well...I should close...at least I'm not crying now. Yeah, I busted into tears when the window closed and I spent all that time typing up a LONG journal entry. I've been rather emotional today anyway...which no one understands exactly... "...for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so..."-Hamlet (Act 2 Scene 2)
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A few more quotes for you ....

"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."

"Within you I lose myself
Without you I find myself
Wanting to be lost again."

"If you would be loved, love and be lovable."
-Benjamin Franklin

"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop." -- Anonymous

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -- Anonymous