Wow...looking forward to those finals!

Feeling: kinky
Someone the other day had their diary entry as "Kawaii is a mood?" and so I thought I'd check it out. The girl was like "Kawaii is a mood...I thought it was like a island or something...I mean how could you feel like an island?" I was thinking...'How stupid can you get??? THAT'S HAWAII!!' Ok...I feel better now. Finals are coming up...ready to fail Geometry! I'd have to make like an 88 to pass with a flat 70...sooo...yeah I'm failing. Hm...working on a Sesshoumaru picture of just his face...I'm making him look soooooo bad...well...I'm keeping it as a rough draft for now anyway...and Michael had to go and get the Inu Yasha game for PlayStation...he sucks. I'll probably end up going and getting it...and get him something like he wants 'the Inu Yasha book' he says...I dunno...I'm gonna check it all out later...probably Wed. Wish I could get the Inu trading cards...even though I couldn't read'd be neat-o! can get them on...*sings* EEEEEEEEEEEBAY!! Well I guess I'll go soon...I felt kinda icky earlier...I feel like I'm getting sick...or my throat is gonna start bothering me...byes everyone! Blair
Read 4 comments
How do u feel Kawaii? Is that even an Adjective? I'm Feeling Rather New mexico.

Heart Ken
I think Kaiwii means cute in Japanese but I'm not sure.
I feel very Hawaii at the moment.

Sand in my arse..water all around me. People walking on my face and birds in my hair. HAWAII!
You're not doing great in Geometry either? I know how you feel on that note, especially if you have a piss ant teacher like I do.

I'm goddessyunasango's friend. I'm into Kagome and she told me she had a cool friend that liked Kikyou so I figured I'd say hey. ciao!