Michael's gone and got a diary of his own

Listening to: My Immortal
Feeling: longing
Michael has got a diary of his own ( he's sesshoumaru on my list ) and Sango has already found him lol. I helped set up his diary/journal ( I think "journal" sounds more...guy-ish ) and got him the COOL Sesshoumaru picture above his name...why can't they make cool Kikyou pictures...gah -.- oh well... Hm...if anyone knows how to get the comment picture thingy going on or any others let me know...Jilly told me you had to name the picture something like "comment_pic" or something to get it to work but she's already tried that. Where do you people find this stuff out anyway?! Hm...New Years Eve is comming up on Wednesday...I hope Michael will be over here like last year and stay up with me until 12...then he'd have to leave. All my friends' parents around here so don't care about if their daughter's boyfriend spends the night...but noooooooo...Michael can't...which I think my family is just "normal" lol...ok we're not but I can relate to boys not spending the night...but we've been together for over a year for crying out loud! Anyway *take sip of not-so-hot chocolate* I'm better now. Michael is going to his friend's house tomorrow and possibly spending the night...while I just stay here and do nothing b/c I have nothing to do anyway...I'm so sad lol...I want to try riding a horse again...Michael grew-up with horses and when I was riding with him, my mom, and her friend...and I guess her friend didn't do my saddle good b/c it slipped and I got off the horse alright...but I was too embarrassed to get back on the horse...so I'd like trying to ride again WITHOUT him being there...lol. Well I guess I'll go. Byes! Kikyou-ish Blair *~P.S.~* Inu fans...check out this picture! ^^ http://www.deviantart.com/view/4047056/
Read 12 comments
Awe that "My Immortal" song is awesome. Its all sad. TEAR lol
* jessica *
I know how to work the comment picture thing without anyone telling me. Whoo.
the comment_pic thing has to be a .gif

-They- told you. I'm never loving, by the way. whee.
No, I'm a bitch. I do that to everyone.
I mean, I come off that way to everyone. This woman in the seat behind us kept hitting my chair so I threw rasins at her and called her fat. ROTK fucking rocks, man.
Its neato.
no problemo
I asked her somethin' about the movie ROTK 'cause I saw it today and everything..Dude, it was so cool.
When do we go back to school? I have no earthly idea.
I'm glad that your boyfriend finally got a diary! And I like your pictures!