
Feeling: crafty
got caught in rain. got sicker than i am already. got pages from rollingstone. got asked "sup?" by some scary gangster. saw frankie. got stared at by creepy old guys. got interviewed by the chinese food lady who hasn't seen me since i was in middle school. got cold. got picked up. got served? ---------------edit-------------------- spoke to kathy, looks like i have plans for weekends to come. this makes me happy.
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I went to see some ska bands and i left with a headache.

two years ealier...

i saw rosie in the halls today and i didn't get a headache
wangsters that say sup are pretty scary...but it's scarier when they try to say hi with a gun :)

chinese ladies make me laugh..especially when they bust out some screamo... cause you don't know if they're talking or they're mad
