
Feeling: done
There is this boy in my Comparative World Lit. clas who reminds me of Leo in hair and body, but not face. he pisses me off because he isn't leo and i wish he was. i see him and i wonder to myself "what if it IS leo!?" and then he turns around and it isn't. i hate that. i wish it was leo, leo is afterall my "best friend". Today was fun because it was raining and i got to dress warm. I woke up an hour late and i had to be driven to school by my mother's boyfriend. that was a lot better than carpooling with my neighbor because she has class an hour before mine and i therefore have to wait around for over an hour until my class actually starts. being able to sleep in, even for just one minute, is nice. I miss having crushes. i miss falling in "love" with someone one week and then falling out of love the next. i miss hugs. i don't get hugs anymore, unless it's my family, or unless it's someone that i have not seen in forever. i miss gerri i miss cristina i miss dave i miss leo i miss chris. i miss nena i miss jon i miss becky i miss amanda i miss luis i miss kay i miss paria i miss carlos m. i miss carlos w. i miss dr.coad i miss elementary school on rainy days. i wonder if anyone misses me. i miss me. sometimes i like math more than anything else because i will always know for sure that 2+2 = 4. i will never be as certain of anything else, not even what i'm feeling.
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man..what I'm gonna do is send you a picture of my face and then have that booger tape on his ugly face so then it will really be leo :)

very true about the last part in ur entry :/

dude.. i remember those rainy elementary days when like we played "7 UP" and we use to be like "awww...no kickball!!!" but then we would get some kick ass orange juice/and or in my case...and apple juice!!!
so fake i say!
i must admit we were a few of the REAL shiznitz up in thurr

man.. high school...pfft.
oh well. maybe we can do something like drew barrymore in that movie no?