Do You Ate Cat?

Feeling: pure
haha. i'm feeling punk. today was the best day ever because i met two crazy people on the bus. now you may be asking "rosie, there're always crazy people on the bus. what makes your crazy people different?" well, what makes mine different is not that they were dressed weird ... like the other crazies. or not that they were probably on drugs, or that they were a couple. no no, what made mine crazy was that they sat right by me. and the guy sang songs from the late nineties really loudly. REALLY LOUDLY. what songs you ask? well, i'm getting there. he sang: that rob zombie song that was in either blade or the first matrix, that harvey danger song "flagpole sitta", eve 6's "inside out", and a variety of others. in the end, i was actually talking to them and laughing with them and he was REALLY funny. he almost got kicked off of the bus, but i'm glad he didn't because he was my only source of entertainment, aside from my iPod. and even then i wasn't using my iPod because this guy was a lot funnier. he kept talking to his girlfriend about her being a psychotic bitch and how she just got out of a mental hospital ... then about how he's really the one who was just released from a hospital. strangely, i believed this. they were WEIRD. when they got off, he ran without her and she ran along after him trying to catch up. i miss them already :- anyway, today was my math exam and i think(hope) i did well. the guy who i was helping last time sat infront of me today. he's nice. i saw him at the SOAR orientation like 2 weeks before school started but i don't think he remembers me. oh well, amirite? man, i woke up 15 minutes before my neighbors planned on leaving me. it was a late night last night :) but it was worth it. jon made me laugh today, i miss him. kaikokato [1:42 PM]: i have to go to class but i wanted to say what up and congratulate you on your away message that just said "breakdancing" kaikokato [1:42 PM]: i laughed outloud Rmystique16 [1:42 PM]: hahaha yeah, that's one of my favorites.
Read 4 comments
dude. you can write a novel about those two personas.

oh yes. i totally forgot
hmm.i like nice crazy people.
not the ones that walk up to you and laugh. but the ones that go to up to other people and laugh :)
crazy people on the bus.. that would make my day
Smile that smile of disbelief