what a friend we have in rosie

Listening to: AGSFB
Feeling: alright
EEEEEE! summer school is for the birds and i'm a penguin june 19th here i come!!!!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT GIVE ME HUGS
Read 7 comments
june 19th is the day when rilo mCkiley says that they will no longer be a band..I found this out in some reliable forum...sucks for the fans :/
hahaha hell naw. i was just messing yo,

but seriously, you need to update more holmes!
aunque sea solo di: leo is Dios
or soemthing!
Wow....you wrote stuff!! I'm so proud!!!
I l♥ve you Rosie-Posie ^^
♥ Liv
Oh I don't know who the hot girl is....
I just stalk her when she isn't looking...
I know you don't have to tell me I have great taste ^^
♥ Liv
thanks you rosie!
when you visit my jointi get like 10 visits cause you so cool cuz!
Oh man, Ro-ro...
You finally updated, FINALLY.
You should leave me lots of comments. LOTS.
Ha-ha... Man, and get Ger to update too! That nukkuh hasn't updated, and she promised that she would.
Hugs...what kind of hugs...? Do you get paid for other peoples hugs or something gosh they aren't things you just give away all willy-nilly they are special and very very hard to come by
just kiding