And then there were none.

Feeling: angelic
I need the smell of summer.. ..I need its noises in my ear.
FINALLY, SCHOOL'S FUCKING OUTTT!!! today was a good day.:):) I messed up a bit on the civics final. and actually on the math final too haha but I think I did alright for the most part. and I went a little trigger happy with my camera haha.:) I got some pretty cool pictures I think.:) and then I came home. and hung out and watched some freaky movie that I still havent figured out what its called haha:p then I did some chores. and now Im watching buffy.:) I missed buffy, I wasnt able to watch it cause I was in school when it was on. but now theres no more school!:) and I love how we got out at 10:45. thats pretty awesome.:) looooooveeeeeee!:D
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brand new= <333

i miss buffy too... i think i'm gonna go watch it now...hehe
Buffy is the shit, lol.
