This just in..

Feeling: amused
breaking news:
dereks home!!:)
he came back yesterday.. I havent seen him yet though but Im hoping soon soon soon..:p excitement..:p haha really nothing else has been goin on.. someone put a banana in my locker this morning haha it was gross.. I dont know who it was but I think it was john or like corey or someone cause john was asking me if I found it but he said he didnt know who put it in there.. haha bastard:) uhh, we had a french test and it was kinda hard. I skipped the last two writing sections cause I just had no idea what I was doing..:p but I think I did fairly well on the rest of it.. errrr.. I dunno.. I was talkin to sabrina in health and she said she'd talk to topher for me and try to get him to talk to me.. I dunno if he will though, he might even have himself convinced that I was lying at this point.. thats what Im most scared of.. but it'll be okay cause once I figure everything out, whether Im friends with him again or not, I can move on, thats really what I need right now, to just be able to let it go chorus we got a new song. haha oh god.. I swear there was a line in it that said "david is small but oh my" I about died. I swear. it was so funny, I couldnt even sing it and then 10th period we had the soccer meeting..:) it was cool, mr hein told us about when the manditory practices are gonna start and whats gonna be going on and stuff. the only thing Im thinking is that I might miss some color guard practices for it..:/ but I dont think I'll miss that many if any.. and most of the time I think I'll end up just missing the first hour of color guard for soccer or the last hour of soccer for color guard.. its workable haha uh, think thats it haha:) Say Something, Beautiful.
Read 8 comments
haha i'm glad you don't take me seriously :D
i like your diary, too.
I enjoy your diary ALOT...all of your lyrics and pictures are cock rockin'....your opening pop-up is my FAVORITE brand new lyric and the marquee under your name is my FAVORITE spill canvas you're friggin awesome in my book m/
yeah i know, but i have to leave it open because a lot of my friends dont have SIT.
Lol cool how was your weekend?
Lol cool sounds like fun.
hehe manhatten is fun :) im trying to talk my mom into letting me go to NYC by myself for my sweet 16 :D im excited lol.

DID YOU SEE STAR WARS YET? .. i thought it was actually pretty good. whatd you think cause i imagine by now you saw it :P blahh idk something like that lol.

♥ loveeee
oh TRUST ME i know addictions are hard to break! but i dont promise ppl i will stop if i have no intention of actually stopping.