This is cool.

Listening to: TV.
Feeling: vamped
Well, today's Sunday. And that means I have to go back to school tomorrow. oh joyss. Only 5 days! And then I SHOULD be in New Jersey ♥ for the show on Saturday! SO. I'm excited x a lot. I might have to pay for Jared though. Since I get in for free, he asked me to get him in haha but I can't. But I'm a nice friend anyway so I told him if he can't get the money, that I'd pay for him. But I just hope I can goo =/ cause that would suck a lott if I can't. =/ IN OTHER NEWS: I watched Ren & Stimpy today. and it made me happyyyy. The End. Have some more pictures!: ^me. ^me again. ^Big pile-on on top of Anthony during Amouratha's show at the Lodge. ^Matt & Connor. ^Matt, Connor, Ryan. ^all of us. I think I'm in the process of falling off Amanda's leg though haha =p
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Heh heh, do they scream though? =P