dunno maan

Feeling: alive
dont u dislike it when u wanna know what someone is thinking but u dont know, but u dont wannna let them know that u wanna know what they are thinking? well i do. daamn shes got me by the balls..and doesnt even know it. i wanna know what she thinks. what did she think, what were her thoughts on the other night. its all on my mind. ive been in a good mood lately though. ::update:: (i know what shes thinking a little bit more now) :-D should i not dig for what she thinks about things, and just let things happen the way they are happening... ? thats prolly good, why ruin a good thing. update:: (didnt ruin nething) im going to the movies to see The RUNdown, with my brother. its going to be good, i KNOW IT.... plus the rock is in it.. sooo hott. im going to vibes to buy 3 cdS this week, i already know the 3... maybe 4. my fingers are getting little blister bumps on them from trying to play the bass.. damn strings are 2592-40528340-58 times thicker then guitar, they hurt... guhh. g2g ::hearts::scott::hearts::
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...i dont know about knowing what she thinks. its always a mystery. for her too im sure.

i hope you had fun at homecomming. i want to know the details.

hope it was a good movie as well.

snaps for playing the bass! are you getting any better? yay for scott. hes going to be soo hott. maybe being in a band and all. did i say hes going to be so hott? he IS hott. hes going to be hotter.

scott. your the best really really. - xo xo xo. KAMI
haha blisters.
let shit happen the way its HAPPENING.
dont fuck it up..
i heart u.
your listening to social D?!?! whhhaatt..