Neil Armstrong

Listening to: tu-ta-tata
Feeling: zen
This week my parents were gone. i went to a lacross game on tuesday i worked last saturday, yesterday, and today (thursday). My parents are back now. School wasnt too bad today. its so much better when you dont worry about nething. but it is hard not to worry about things. I want a Mini Cooper S it was a beautiful day out. im doing a power point on neil armstrong right this very instant. i ran 3 times in the past week (1.5 miles each time) .. this is good for ME. well g2g. ::hearts::scott::Hearts::
Read 4 comments
if thats you in your pic, then you are pretty hott! ;)
[Anonymous] do you know what i look like?
I'll get mine?
I remember that pp project in computer apps...mine was on AFI (surprise surprise)