
Feeling: illuminated
work on friday wasnt any good at all. i mean. listen to this, wait no, before i keep going, i am going to be pretty negative so WARNING: do not subject yourself to ranting if you can not handle it. Work on friday was horrible. i Felt sick the whole night. i didnt wanna be there, and to top it off we got a new girl who was lazy bitch and i had to do everything. but then i got off work and picked up elisa, my girlfriend. we went to steak n' shake then came back to my house. we watched GroundHog Day. it was soo good. ha i luv that movie. i think i fell asleep though. then i took elisa home, went to sleep. i woke up a few hours later at like 5 in the morning with COTTON MOUTH, and Dry Flem, and a small fever, completely dehydrated.. i couldnt move, couldnt even get medicine. gosh. it was the worst. then my mother found me at 8 and she brought me water, and medicine and now i'm feeling better. i hope i get better fast. sickness is bad. its raining and gross outside. My sister's cat, Calabasas, well she got out and got attacked by something, we found her all mudy and shaking and her nose was bleeing. poor dumb thing. well its better now, lost its collar though. ::sigh:: this world is a crazy place, even for the kittens. im going to the bank right now and depositing some checks. ok im done. hmm.. i wonder if im missing something.. oh well. i ::heart:: mat, kami, julie, bucky, garret, kevin, brandon, Josh among many more. just had to mention that cuz i miss them.
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the beatles are awesome.sorry your day sucked
thats me! : ) i miss you too. but.. i love you. so its good
i like scotty cause hes cute
Scotty i love you. we are so gonna hang out all summer. atleast until you have to go back home.
i cant wait till you come. i miss you so much

so much has changed...of the late. but its going to be the best summer ever.

love love love.
update my love - kami