ahahahaha that wasnt me!

i would of left a signed comment.
oh, yeah.. i live in fullerton california.. i didnt know that there was another one.. anyway is that you playing guitar?
dinner and a movie withhhh?
lol ur SO much cuter. *melts*.. im sorry you had to move, that's a bummer. I never want to leave fullerton. i love it here.
when are you coming down again? spring break or prom...i miss and love you so much man...i love you...im calling you soon...i hope you are still awake im gonna call ur cell in like 10 min...anyway...~heart~
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
i love hearing your voice and having such great conversation with you. i love you. you made my day. : )

love me.
diddles was here