where do the children play?

Listening to: SOAD
Feeling: humbled
point- i have a 386, with old school games on it, it's fun -soad is cool -job is tiring -sv chips -loosers anonymous -humbling to the point of depression yeh, i got given a 386 computer by a mate, so i cleared all the useful programs off the HDD, and loaded it up with games, all those classics, like pacman, pong, secret agent, wolf 3d, tanks etc. fun to be had i tell y', and also monopoly.. soad is so kicka55, i need to go and sit in the sun, even though i'm sunburnt i now have two jobs, one morning (6-11), i have to get up soo fuken early.., and one 'noon (1-4), yeh, they're short, but they bring in do$h. but i'm tired like some kind of motherfucker. i've eaten so many salt and vinergar chips my mouth is numb all you anonymous loosers who post shit about other people in their comments shourld really get a hobby, or a life, or both, or you could just fuck off and die. i feel so.. humbled i guess, i'm depressed. don't quite know why, it just seems so.. lonely. mnyeh. i'm surprised i'm still updating this, but i am, not feeling too good, spoze that's the bipolar swing of a week and a half upper... where do you people come up with these names.. fakeplasticdove.. how cool. myeh that'd be me out. for now. or ever, who knows? (-bobby._.akanz-)1703|171203
Read 2 comments
Yea, bomb the next annymous fucker..
Yeah man, SOAD is the best.You better take a holiday and think over your life.I say that cuz life is quite a big shit people need to consider as good.