nothing witty

well. i shall start 00:01, monday 12. 2 hours sleep. (continiuing from 2hours sleep on sunday, total=4) 19 hour day: up, drinks with sister, dropped at bus stop, miss bus, picked up by sister and dropped at work, sit for 3 hours doing sfa, powercut, walk in the rain to staci's house, swap wet shirt for dry hoodie i cleverly took off before it started rainging, falling out with staci, sit and watch tv until nigh on 1500 (about 5 hours worth), walk home, shower, get changed, drive self to AN classes, sit in class while staci evil's me for 3 hours, get dropped home about 10, bed/sleep at 11. doesn't sound stressful, but a 19 hour day after 4 hours sleep and 32 of drinking is, hmke? tuesday 13, 0330 up, lie in bed till alarm goes off at 0445, bike to mates house, walk to bus stop, miss bus, walk to mates house, bike to work, job starts at 0730, i arrived there at 0830, work till 1600, wait for 1645 bus, ride bike from depot to mate's house (1800ish) mate arrives home 1900ish, drink, watch tv, ride home bed/sleep by 2200. today, 14 0430 up, wait for alarm, ((as per tuesday to 1800)) bike home from mate's house, do laundry, tidy room, vacum, make bed, clean up friend's/sister's mess, eat, filing, arrange computer again, shuffle the growing stack of paper in my room, reply to emails, and now. 2015ish let's calculate, 19hrs+18.5hrs+16hours and still counting=53.5 hours awake, leaving 14.5 hours sleep out of the last 68 hours, meaning i have been awake 79% of that time, that's mearly 80%, which is 4/5ths, which is insane, because after all that i can still do math. nothing of interest to report. bleh _R0b 2017|140606
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