who are you to deny the saviour?

Feeling: awesome
stonking unce. unce. unce. unce. unce. unce. unce. unce. if i had a longer attention span this music would seem repetitive and annoying. i've been listening to a lot of similar (GK, Cream etc) and i think it's hard-wired way deep in my drug-conscious, because i know what's going to happen before it does. i suppose you get that if you listen to anything repeatedly for long enough. unce. unce. unce. unce. unce. i could fly. i used to. i chased clouds, they chased me. it was fun, in summer moreso, rain clouds are heavy. so i was accosted by some website promoting meditation the day other, so i'm going to get back to it. i've lost too much self. i dont chase the clouds anymore, they dont chase me. perhaps there is some kind of sybiosis, a balance, live and let live. like when i pass good drivers going in the opposite direction. no aknowledgement required. we just get the fuck on with it. i've never been one to get angry at the weather, or hide from it. i suppose that is somewhat a lie, the heat kills me. curious to note that my boss hides from the rain, i just put on my coat (it's gore-tex) while i hide from the sun. i prefer the cold, at least you can dress for it, y' can't take off your skin when it gets too hot. not that i get angry when it's hot. just lethargic. she comes home, just now. piss and moan, first thing. whinge about this, that and the other. not so much as a hello. and then she wonders why i am less that-homely to her. and worst of all she just turned off my stonking unce. that should be a crime punishable by death. i'm writing to the prime minister on that tomorow. WAIT. we have... "thankyou for putting the rubbish out." 10 minutes that took. ten minutes. and it was preceeded by "get up and do stuff" i just clicked onto someones diary. second entry was "auld lany sine" WRONG who can tell me what's wrong with this? anyone? guesses? right, now google your bitch asses away and find out. anyway. meditation www.erowid.com under... something, is breathing and stuff. also, involves a lot of info on drugs. which was what drew me there in the firstest instance, specifically san pedro, as i happen to be working on a site that has 2 rather tall (in the vicinity of 7 foot) specimens. i know plenty of places to get it, where it grows, but this is like.. copious ammounts of drugs. on tap. and free. (more piss and moan from the woman) okay - focus - meditation, topic. hold it. (more piss and moan, i don't even have to say anything!) meditation is good, // fark. is like./ a day later, this has been sitting on screen, will finsh later. only update is that i've sleeped and am now listening to e-zone, more stonking unce. .-.-acid house-.-. ra 0723|280808
Read 3 comments
ps. that's just how mike gets home from work or is when i return home; no preliminaries, just straight bitching.
at least you got a 'thank you' though; that's more than i could anticipate.
'stonking unce' is the coolest phrase i've heard in ages.
and 'auld lany sine?' uuuuuugh. i don't even have to google it cos i'm that awesome. (and i remember from when my class dissected it in brit lit/expository writing); here is my awesomeness:
auld lang syne, which is scots for 'old long since', by robert burns.


woah good luck with potty training
i hear it can be hell sometimes.

sorry i post so much lol . . . i have nothing better to do what with waiting for my newborn to wake up. once i go back to work on the 7th it'll slow down i'm sure. the sad thing is - right now - i'm posting WAY less than i could be. i keep holding back. :[
boredom sucks.

and cats aren't that bad lol.
but yes. i sleep with satan apparently.
i prefer it because if he's sleeping with me - he's not pissing on my rug in the bathroom.

atleast he's got the right room to do it though. . .fucking bastard.