diddlededitdadee - two ladies

Name: Robert J Akerman. actually. there is no J. Age: 24 Family: Up: the usual assortment of grandpoarents, parents, down: two girls. sideways: littlesppon: my nizzy? Occupation: builder, carpenter, contractor, sole charge/ supervisor - ribraft installatiuon engineer. Interests: guns, outdoor rec: rockclimbiung, abseiling, hunting, sailing, swimming, hiking, camping, mountain biking, paintballing, motoX. indoor rec: wall climbing, shooting, 'puters ( a bit), hobbyist electronics & PCB, machining (lathe/mill work), reading, researching, getting fucked up, music. Fears: most times nothing. at the least liekly times being old, decrepit. more often now that i'm a geezer: loosing the ability to do the stuff i enjoy, going blind, losing mobility in my wrist, knee, shoulder etc (which are all actually happening, btw. U.B.F.: This stands for Unbearable Feeling - and EVERYBODY has one. It is the 'dreaded' situation or feeling you try to avoid or compensate for - often without even knowing. My U.B.F. is the thought of being old. King Lie: well that would have to be that i exist, because i dont you know. World View: pessimistic: people suck unless they're on my list of people that dont. noone cares about the planet, they're ignorant, arrogant, uncaring, unskilled, unknowing, narrowminded, generally a useless waste of my time and air. Core Values: foremost: honesty. secondly is probably dedication, i hate half-arsed people. i truly admire those who throw themeselves at something: elite gymnasts, skaters, snowboarders, shooters, martial "arts" experts. this is partly an admiration of physical strength, but moreso that it is combined with absolute control, and severe consequences. within myself i apply this to weapons: i could probably strip, clean and re-assemble any gun you could hand me, i could cleave your skull with an hatchet at 20 yards. i'll cut ya 10 kinds of sideways, not to mention i have a fairly decent swing on me. Application: i dislike people who either do fuckall, or do something but half-arsedly. with me: my work, my shooting, my driving. Resourcefulness/ Non-wastefulness: save the planet etcetera, waste not want not, eat what you're given, reduce reuse recycle rethink, dont buy shit. dont buy overpackaged things, disposable things etc. the difference between ignorance and ego is that an ego can still learn. Dislikes: ignorance, racism, thieves, argumentativeness, littering, wastefulness, vegetables, M$ windows, whiney bitches, people who use the word "like" inappropriately, and/or as every second word. stupidity. the way the country is run(by women, for minorities) Challenges: bring it on, unless it's a ginger bitch. which is my current greatest challenge. for my next one: sniping a carrot from 1000 yds. this all came around because of a gent named Roger. a reverand even. he makes silencers, and kills small furry things. also he seems to have a kickarse outlook on life, which is why my mood is inspired. it'd be neat to be him, and have people be inspired by you. i knew he made silencers before i knew he preached. knowing he preaches actually makes it more awesome. i've been debating with nizzy about her misguided perception / lack of knowledge about jehovah, (she claims to be a catholic and know everything about everything), she actually doesn't know shit about either religion. or fridges =p anyway, so someone who i can take up some intellectual discussion on the greater powers that are, while putting bullets in animals, would be a welcome addition to my life i think. all fer now 1840|281008 _ra
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