i'm your life, i'm the one who takes you there

Listening to: 'tellica
Feeling: happy

i'm your pain when you can't feel. i'm you're eyes when you must steal.
i'm inside, open your eyes. i'm you.
i am in you, you are in me, i and i, god and the brother-man. and we're all just swell.

unless you're a dick, in such a case i will watch you burn.
but we know us, eh?

and if i say you're some of the best times of my life, be fucken thankful.

The Awakening is happening. a society built on nothing. imoraility, greed, deception, blame, hate and fear. and money, the greatest lie. someone calculated that it would take 560 000 quadrillion spheres of gold, the size of the earth, to repay the debt created with the monetary system.
so who'd bank on that?

i love metallica. i can say nothing more deep or true.

anyway, i had a near death experience the other day. fell 25 meters and got a neat gash in my neck. a gash less than quarter of a millimeter from my carotid artery.
did i mention falling 25meters?

and i walked out of it.

so now i think about my life, and how glad i am to be me., one of the first things said to me upon my rising was "someone must have been praying for you", a sentiment that all doctors and nurses seemed to enjoy repeating. they were amazed i was standing, walking, talking.

and i watch people, as i always have, but with a sadder and more detached perspective, people motivated by fear, hate, revenge, anger.
and i try, as consciously as possible to operate at 0% stress. and it works.

and i'm at odds with the policy enforcement company, and they're to pay me compensation for thier wrongs.
and i'm at evens with peaceful free men the world over.

and there's so much. just so so much.
and i like photographs, because they don't change, even when the people in them do.
but i'm always on one side of the lens.

and i love: as i live and breathe, i love.
all moments leading to this.
i said that i do not fear, this much is true. i feel dead. my magic is gone, the trees will not speak to me as they once did, rain is just wet and not something to play at, my dragon.. well we'll see. but i do not fear what i feel, i do not fear this loss, i don't fear the abscence of what might have been half my soul.
but for death there must be rebirth. is it not told so, the world over?

so who will be there after this birth?

the man that said someone must have been praying for me, a christian he calls himself, believes that we are all of us evil, and that we need God to guide our path, and curb our wickedness. It nearly caused an argument, that he was so unwilling to accept foregin belief (mine).

so, so. just so. sic the latins would say.

sic 1446_082311

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thanks for the advice :) I like you're diary too I enjoyed reading this post, I feel the same way.