
fuck. i've so had enough of the bitch. it's not even on and off anymore. she's constantly fucking me round. just now: we have a disagreement on the boundaries for the youngest child. she first threatens to tresspass me from this house, then says she';s going to the police to say i shouldn't be in possession of firearms. whatthefuck then, i dont allow her the candy i just bought saying she's "being ho-ey towards me" that didn't go down well. she turns off my monitor, stands in my face, trys snatching at the bag of candy. then she says "i'm not being ho-ey, how was i being ho-ey" i say "think" "i disagreed with you about..." "no" "yes, that's all i said..." "think harder" "no that's all i said" (repeat 5 times) "well if you dont tell me then i can't say sorry for it. i probably didn't say it, you probably are just making it up" what. that's always her answer. i'm being silly. i'm just making it up. childish and pathetic and i've really had enough. maybe she shouldn't have sugar, cos this only really started after i gave her candy when i got home. she also says that all of the bond paid on this place belongs to her "cos i owed her money" my memory isn't too good, so i can't debate this, but i'm sure she's screwing me on it. and the other week, when i stayed out all saturday, and she was pouty until monday, then she was shitty all tuesday, then she sucks my cock. what the fuck is it just gingas? or are all women this fucked up? myself and a friend had an epiphany the day other: for every woman you see, even the smoking hot ones in tight clothes (or no clothes) there is at least one man who is sick of her shit. so i guess it's all women. sigh. tribute to "the solution" =) _ra 2100|181108
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