
Farm. god i love farm frash air, a billion stars, beer, weed, quad bikes and guns.. is it actually possible to get any better? hookers, maybe. anyway. picked up mike and chris after an abominably bad thurs-day and headed north to the fam farm, stopped in orewa for munch. milk menu: Milkshake 3$ Thickshake 4$ Reallythick 4.5$ i opted for the really thick. it wasnt. highly disappointing. anyway, ate and continiued heading north, got to farm, realised lack of piss. now the stretch of road from farm to piss shop in otaika can be done by most people in about 20 mins, by my uncl H in 12 and by my uncle D (in his SS) in about 8, keeping this in mind i completely forgot to keep an eye on the clock but i reckoned somewhere near H. not bad for a 20 year old truck. uncl D has a new quad. can am 400 with a cvt box. 14G worth. i like it when my uncles buy new toys, it has a direct flow on effect to me. anyway, bike was nice, if a bit stiff on the steering and soft on the tail (having fat ass mike on didnt help) also the shocks were set to lowlow, becase D only weighs fuckall. yeh, possum kill tally night one was about 7, kinda disappointing, but we only put another 3 hours on the bike so was not a long night anyway. daytwo, roundup the dead in my ute, managed to recover 3. drifting up gravel road with chris and mike in the tray, and at one point i made chris land nut-first on his own shoe. heh. went to town, got food, ate food - good sushi in whangarei - home again, chris slept, i drank, mike alternated beetween the two. Afternnon saw us roudning up wood for a bonfire that would never happen cos the wind was comin in from the west (would smoke out the house) night again out on the quad, saw quite a few but tonight was the coons lucky night, not ours. several we spent 5-10 minutees circling their tree but they'd managed to find cover so we fucked off. ended up dropping 6 or so. (actually two were left hanging in the tree, got em the nex day) all in all i ended up with 7 possums in a box on my ute, 2 baby ones, one big motherfucker and 4 fairly average size ones, heads came off and guts came out and now i have a bucket of offal for my neighbours cats to roll in and drag home. muahahahah. i fucking hate cats, especially the ones round here, so this might inspire their "owners" to watch where they go, the kill traps are coming next week. so i'm gonna bury the skullls (cos mike wanted one) and tan the skins (cos i want some) possum fur coat in this country sells for 2500$. we shall see. i need to find a water blaster and some tanning solution otherwise they getting salted and hung in the pantry... but the woman will whinge about that. yeh. that's my job for today time away was fun. i fucking love stars. must stop smoking though because my cancer is playin' up. _ra 1151|051008
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