
OBaby guys lol sassy always say that i could not resist. its benn a long long time since i can on sit. well things are going good. jessicas dad is not flipin on her as much i thinnk its because he got a girlfriend or something [its very ewwww] mindy is still cutting and she is going out with a 18 year old and she is 13 something is wrong there dont you think? school sux big time i got yelled at so much for not having work in and it ends up i did do it and the teacher was lieing to my moa and dad and i dont fail YAY! no more ms.bleake she is mean exeped after school she is like really really nice i think she got a split person allity or something like that. well i have art now wich is the best!! ohh and no more guys striping in the middle of class lol yeah boys in my classes do that its very scary at times.
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Novemeber 12?!?!?! Write In your diary!!!
amanda! add me so we can be friends -delana
hey i havent talked to u in a will so whats up