It's not what it seems

Nothing is never what it seems you have to give it time.... Today in math class mel and i were completly bored after finished doin out works so we decided to write some poems and yah this is one of them i wrote.... She sits in school so confused, what did she do to make him not love her? Never feelin happy she puts on an act, her fake smiles and laughs go a long way. Does anyone notice that she isnt the same anymore? that everythin that once made her happy no longer exsists. He was the one, the guy that brought the smiles to her face, made her feel beautiful all the time and never once stopped telling her how much he loved her, he was the one that when she was in his arms all the problems in the world seemed to fade away. That guy held her heart in the palm of his hands, of coarse he didn't realize it, he said he would always love her no matter what, but he gave up on that gurl which turned her whole life upside down. Even if she wanted to hate him , she couldn't, her love for him grew stronger, her tears for him would never seem to come to an end. She was afraid what she might to do herself, she is no longer the girl she knew. Happiness was replaced with depression and awful thoughts, smokin,drugs,alcohol and slitting wrists were some of the answers she came up with. She believed pain could end heart brake.Now she cries red tears each night when she starts to think about that special boy and what they once had....was he truly her soul mate?
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