Ex boifriend #6 lol

I really havent been this happy in the longest time... which isnt really the best cuz im one of those gurls that loves to be hyper and have fun at everythin.... im not too shure why that im depressed but i have gone through a lot in the past couple of months, me and my boyfriend that i loved broke up and yah i admit it was my fault, but i no we had sumthin great thats prolly why im tryin so hard to be his friend , cuz hes truly an amazin guy if he believes it or not and he doesnt need drugs to be happy. I guess im kinda scared that one of these days when i really need him to be here for me hes goin to turn me down and dependin whut i got myself into i wouldnt really no who else to turn to , cuz im pretty shure hes knows me better than anyone else even thought i didnt really go out wit him for that long. We anyways i guess i gotta have sum faith in him. l8er(K)
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i Love your back ground. the colors are hawt
Sami ♥
hey...hope things get better...if this guy shows up when u need him..then he still cared for you..even if its just like friends..but try talking 2 him and keep things cool..so then..when u need him he will be there 4 u..dont wait until the last moment!
...Is this Jessie?