
How are u suppose to believe in sumone when they say they love u when they hurt you so much! If a guy says he loves u, they sud atleast mean it.. here i thought everything was going alrite for a change jus to read sumthin that brake my heart! It hurts so bad becuz i dont understand why he wud write that, and if he did he must have meant it. I'm jus tired of being lied to it hurts jus seeing emails and stuff that his ex g/f sent him and pictures n shitt he still has of her... u think he wud try to get rid of them for my sake, but sumtime i think my feelins not matter to him. Im afraid that he'll be thinkin bout her b4 he goes to sleep or wen he's wit me, i feel like im only second best to him. I only hope if he really does love me he will understand and try to make shure tha harmful things go away... nways goodnite xox
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Awe, okay.. You just have to trust him, and If you both trust eachother then your relationship will grow So strong. What you expect from him, he expects that from you. So if you dont want him hanging off other girls..The you shouldn't hang off other guys.. Know what I mean?

--jen lamb
Oh i am so sorry for you sweatheart. i have just had my heartbroken too. just getting over it. awww i am here if you ever wanna chat. im joe bye the way lol. hang in there babe. it will get better i promise. xx xx