Only if he cud understand

He means so much to me and i feel like he isn't aware of it but im tired of telling him how much he means to me and just getting rejected in the end. when i look back and see the things he wrote about me it makes me happy but at the same time sad because he just doesn't wanna be wit me, i guess you could say we kinda switched postions and now im the one that would do anythin to be with him but he won't he give me a chance. I wanna be civil and try to talk this out with him hoping it might make a difference but he just doesn't have the time to sit wit me and talk. If only he knew i need him and that im much better with him than without, just maybe things could work out. I'm tired of being scared and running away from the people that mean the most to me, that why im afraid to give up on him. To the one i treasue i love you so much:( i hope u can find it in your heart to give me another chance.
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heyy hun... whatever happens, just know that I LOVE YOU <3
