schools almost out!!!

4 more dayz and skools out!!! omg i cant believe it the year went by soooo fast especailly the past couple of months.... not like i miss the snow or anythin.. lol well summer hott weather is up ahead i cant wait to get a tan!!! Yesterdai i went to a funderaiser for my friends step brother tyler...we did face paintin woot woot maybe i sudnt become a face painter, like i didnt horribly suck at it but it was close lol..bright side of thing is that i face painted a lot of things of me...we also got to go in a fire truck wit 2 sexy fire cadets!!! man were they hott!!!! L8er on my friend sammie and i went to a pizza place to bother her friend and we ended up only sayi a couple of words too him but it like the best day cuz we kept seein hott guyz everywhere!!! like we had amazin luck..tooo bad i wasnt head over heels for sum1 else:( newayz for the rest of the time we watched movies! it was awesome , that all....buhbye(L)
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