Great nite

Omg tonite was so fun where did the time go? lmao well Mel and I were walkin throught winsor park and wit the luck ive been havin lately of coarse we run into my ex like 3 times the worse part is i was wearin a super short skirt!!!! serves him rite lmao well when we were walking we got whistled and and woooed at awesome times..We also had a krazy buddy nathan who was acting liek a physco o well those were one of the best nights i had in a long time. Can't wait till 2maro Green Day woot hoo!!!!!
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hey Ditz!
omg tonight was so much fun LOL we gotta do that more often! Greenday is gunna be awesome tomorrow!
luvs ya!
r u in Wpg because im going to green day too im soo excited =D