prolly the gayest survey ever? not too sure why i did it.

HAVE YOU EVER Mooned anyone? yeaap Been on a diet? nope not really. Been to a foreign country? Boken a bone? no actually i havent Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? i dont recall? Swore at a teacher? not swore but me and mrs backus go at it alot. Got in a fight? yea Dated a teacher? um weird? no? Laughed so hard you peed your pants? yea like 98546 timessss Thought about killing your enemy? not litteraly Gone skinny dipping? yeaaa son Told a little white lie? course Told a secret you swore not to tell? oppps Stolen anything? yea Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? oh ya knooo Been on TV? yea Been on the radio? yup Been in a mosh pit? yes Been to a concert? mhmm Dated one of your best friends? cant say i have Broken the law? course Been to a rodeo? umm YEA? been on a talk show? no been on a game show? nope Been on an airplane? yess plenty of times Got to ride on a firetruck? yuppp cuz my daddys a fireman Came close to dying? not that i know of? Cheated on a bf/gf? lets just say you learn alot from your mistakes... Gave someone a piggy back ride? yeaaa terrorized the babysitter? muahaaa Made a mud pie? umm idk? Snuck out of the house at night? oh yea Had an eating disorder? nope. Felt like you didn't belong? yeahh Felt like the 3rd wheel? its happen before Smoked? yea Done drugs? mhm Been arrested? noo thankss Had your tonsils removed? nopee Gone to camp? yea Won a bet? who hasnt? Written a love letter? yess Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? yup Written a love poem? nahh Kissed in the rain? yea aw..sad. Loved someone? sigh tired of this quiz? yea actually Asked a friend for relationship advice? oh god yeaa Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? yea :( Gotten a speeding ticket? considering i dont drive yet... Done jail time? noo Had to wear a uniform to work? yup Won a trophy? si Thrown up in public? yeaa... aw when i was little i frickin threw up in church. soo embarrasing Bowled a perfect game? my bowling skills could use a little help. hmm tballa gota 300 before. Failed/got held back? nopeee Got perfect attendance in grade school? no Roasted pumpkin seeds? yeaa yum ballet lessons? when i was little
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whats your favorite song???
aw poo thats the cutest lil survey ever! haaa well um sorry about last night, if im not like dead by next weekend then we will go out, hopefully. i love you i love you i love you and i might be moving in with you if these parentals dont get some what normal k? :-) k!