Fuck it!

Listening to: Green Day
Feeling: annoyed
Fuck Ozzfest, Fuck Warped Tour, I'm just staying home, and enjoying my summer. To Geoff and all those other bitches: Happy? I'll just go next year. I'll just hang out with my friends and have fun this summer, without having to deal with those other faggits.
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Hey dude, I wasn't trying to mess with you. And you should never have to explain yourself. Especially not to me. I suck. I was just saying is all. But you have your reasons for saying what you do. I respect it. I would be mad too. Okay then...
underground's got some bad bands playing. you should check it out.
Oh you dont rely on your parnets to give you shit? BUULLLLLSSHHHHIITTTTTT!!!! What about all the fucking games you get prer month? You know how many games i get a year? 3!!! If you want to talk about anyone being spoiled its your dumb ass. And when we were in the band you claimed you couldnt buy any equipment because youre poor. Well if you stopped buying videogames and anime shit youd have enough money to buy a whole fucking recording studio
By the way Mr. Axl Rose. if you think you leaving the last word in an arguement means you win youre fucking DEAD WRONG! No amount of time, personal reflection or apologize will get me to stop loathing your fucking soul and eveything about you. From here on you do not talk to me or even fucking be around me. if you want more hatred you got it.
Hmm...So I'm a bitch. Okay i can live with that. You know what i couldn't live with? Denying who i fucking am to some how try and redeem some personal credibility. Anyone who does that is the scum of the earth. If your not wiccan don't wear the fucking pentagram, if you even know what that is. Oh if your still trying to get laid i have the number of some cheap prostitutes, I'm sure they won't mind your stalking tendencies. Don't fuck with me.
Oh ok if you want to drag other people who have nothing to do with this into this little game of Lies your mouth keeps shitting out then fine. Hows you friendship with nicole oing. Oh yeah thats right ots nn existant because shes scared shitless of you stalking her around. She had to fake a fucking relationship all school year for you to back off because you werent getting the clue that shes not interested.
Also, where the fuck do you get off criticizing me for starting a band with a freshman when youre fucking starting one with a bunch of kids who arent even in highschool yet. And i hear youre vocalist again because you "cant play guitar worth shit" Yeah you cant trust anyone these days can you bryan. Maybe someone should clue in your little band of kiddies that youll go axl rose on them and dictate everything they do in the band like...
...standing in the shape of a pentagram, and make other people write songs when youre "vocalist" because you cant write them yourself, or pick a position in a band and then change it because its too hard or too expensive. One reason why i hate your being is because you tried turning me more against kyle during the week before i quit because you probably wanted more band drama or some shit. You made me think that kyle wouldnt work with me which...
...he didnt give a fuck about that issue because we settled our differences when we started the band which you ORIGINALLY WERENT A PART OF!!! You and paul both told me that kyle couldnt work with me because we were always saying shit to eachother. You made it a bigger deal than it is probably so you could be part of a behind the music special or some shit because everyone knows youre only doing this band shit for fame and money. Even Kyle thinks.
Then after you have me and kyle pissed at eachother you threaten to fire both of us if we didnt stop fighting! YOU FUCKING MANAGER-WANNABE, CASH-ROLLING DIPSHIT!!! i shouldve known something was wrong when both you and paul started out as drummer and guitarist and then became guitarist and vocalist just because it was less costly. you might as well be in Meshuggah which means crazy in YIDDiSH