Listening to: Incubus - Drive
Feeling: sluggish
Hmmmm... I dont have any deep thoughts or wise comments... or anything of intelectual value today... Im sorry, considering I am intellecually retarded anyways! So it turns out that I am going to Nova Scotia in two days... Yay for me! the only problem is that I wont get to see my girlfriend for almost a week and a half!!! I will miss her so bad... and the time difference makes it so I probably wont be able to IM her the whole time. I will write her lots of Emails though so maybe that will make me feel better! anyways, Lots of love to all the dumb people out there! because I am one of you! Bye Dan
Read 6 comments
dude, your abs are deformed.
mm nice abs
if you didnt want comments about them then you shouldnt have put the pic up.
not all entries have to be intellectual. only half of mine are. that's just the way it goes...

no worries!
oh, and if you want peopel to stop with the ab comments, then why don't you just take the picture off. it would make sense! dar!
If you dont' want comments about people saying you have nice abs....then you shouldn't have put up a picture of your nice abs...DAR!