
I just woke up from a nap... anyways during practice on monday some moron came into my lane and thought he was funny... i ran into him and sprained my wrist... Now I have to sit on my butt for a while because I really cant swim with a sprained wrist! Anyways its ok I guess I can handle a little pain I guess. Bye Dan
Read 6 comments
That sucks, just because some ass hole thought he was acting "cool" by bothering you, you had to pay for it >:(

anyway just a random comment :)
Aww! You should have broken his arm! Not that it would have solved anything, it just would have been the thing to do, lol.
Oh, ya poor kid. I'm sorry that you sprained your wrist. Maybe if you just take it easy for a while, it will get better fast.
hmm....I love COheed & Cambria.
i love your header pic. coheed and cambria rock.
um, i guess i wanted to say that your username kind of rocks my socks. congrats on a funny well designed. --fartingmonkeys