Morning Practice

I just got back from morning practice and I am really tired... why dont I go to sleep you ask?? I really dont know! Anyways, I really didnt want to go to practice this morning... I am starting to not want to go at all anymore (for those of you who read this dont tell coach or anyone else on the team) It seems that people dont like me being with Niki, too bad for them, because as I said before 'Love is worth it!'. another thing that I have issues with is I just dont feel good at all anymore, I never have energy, and I always have a headache. (dang, I sound like an emo kid, oh wait... I am one) anyways I think I will get off my soapbox about the team... I really dont hate anyone on the team... well maybe I will make a couple of exceptions. Anyways I like most of you.. so dont worry! Bye Dan
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Dan, i really hope you don't feel that way. how was practice this morning anyway. i personaly think you and nicole are cute together! aleisha
I'm getting really sick of morning practices too. And it's not everyone that hates us being together.... but anyways. Yeah...
YOU SUCK! lol, i don't even know you. I like the photograph(your background). Is that Nikki>?
how is your thanksgiving goin? i read that niki's isn't so good. what would cheer her up? aleisha
You're Welcome...
I say "if people don't like you being with niki...screw them.!" They shouldn't be worried about your life or anything that you do..and if they still care...well..they need to find lives of their own. I hope I one of those people that you like on the team.
muah ha ha...a cage figher! I don't think the world is ready to see chelsea as a cage fighter. The world is just not prepared for my amazing skills......*shrugs* ....or something. lol. I'm glad I'm one of the people that you think is cool on the team. I think the same of you!! yay!
you're cute
wait wat?
u stapled ur butttt
Glad you are still emo and allowing the collective us to entertain ourselves with your heartache and pain. emo rules. xXRaRaXx