Listening to: Mulan - a girl worth fighting forrr
Feeling: funny
haha wow midterms today..think i did okay?..well i know i passed? umm yeah and i was late cuz i got andrea and the roads were bad and there was traffic so we were like 5 minutes late. but anyway after i went to ericias and Jon and JJ were there for like 20 munutes getting stuff for wherever they were going and i came down from ericias room and just my luck..i fall down the stairs! i jammed my fingers landed on my tailbone my back slammed against the stairs and my toes like stubbed the cabinet thing they have at the end of the stairs and they are all laughing at me. :( wow it hurt so bad but i tried not to cry till the boys left haha...yeah i know i cry over anything but i was in so much pain like i couldnt move and then they were just laughing ericia like fell over laughing and when i finally got up i went in the kitchen and sat down and rish threw something at me and made me slam my head against the wall haha. so i thought i should call aim to tell her what happened she starts dieing laughing and ericia told tessa and they both thought it was hilarious. rish and i made a cake and we had like a fight with the batter i got it like in my hair and on my sweatshirt and in my face and rish got it on her face...i would have smeared it all over but i was running and fell so the fight kinda ended but it was still funny. and rish was getting out tinfoil and she opened it and it just like inrolled a ton haha so i made like this thing out of it and we played times man. then we went in her room and played volleyball and i tripped over her blankets and she laughed histaricly...i didnt lol i skidded my knee :( haha it was funny though i must admit. so then i was like having rish throw the ball so i could kick it and i did and it bounced off the wall and hits me in the head...i slipped one more time but i just dont remember how? lol ericia laughed at me aton today haha and then Ericia and i made dinner and i was walking and JJ saw me like slide kinda and was like Jackie what are you doing haha and i was just like what actingl ike nothing happened and hes like you cant even walk. wow i just thought today was sooo funn and i am just so clumsy haha. and now i am off to AIM's to study for my awesome spanish midterm!