Listening to: Sonique - Alive
Feeling: amused
Now I'm alive..
Touch me, need me show me the meaning.
I'm alive..
Closer deeper, burning fever.
I'm alive..
Now I'm believing: I'm complete, so complete,
I'm alive.
I love that chorus. Just do.
Anyhow, just got back from a sleepover. 'Twas so fun, there's an unemployed barrel of monkeys somewhere. Yeah.
Anyone know that new M&Ms commercial where that woman is singing about each color and when she gets to orange, she can't find a line?
I had said after that commercial aired that morgage rhymed with orange. So someone else started singing: "Orange..you pay the morgage!" and a whole little song about orange paying the morgage. It was soo funny!
This week at school is "Fun Week." Bah. It sounded better when they called it "Spirit Week."
Kind of like that daycare called Prodigy that got renamed "The Sunshine House." Ugh.
Tuesday is Hair, Hat, and Shades day. So..I have bottles of red, gold, and black hair gel..and I'm going to do my hair like Yuugi Mutou! XD
In case you've been under a rock for the past few years..this is what his hair looks like:

XD Again.
...does that make me the queen of games?

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