Listening to: Some song from the Lion King 2.
Feeling: optimistic
Huh. That really bloody thing I wrote for the Civil War project? The one I was complaining about a few days back (since it's so..crappy?)
Yeah. About That. Apparently, it's good. I guess I was wrong. I'll put it up on here tomorrow and see if I can get a fifth or sixth opinion about it. But, anyways, we had to critique each other..and..everyone else had problems in theirs. The only thing I got was that it was too graphic. The rest was..compliments.
Just a small gripe, but..why isn't w00tness on the Current Mood dropdown? They don't have that or Spifftacular..! Whatever.
A new Sonic game is to be introduced in May. HUZZAH!! Three Sonic games to come out this year so far...can I get a w00t?! ^_^ This is my idea of luck, here!
My birthday is in three days. I should be happy about it, but I'm not. You see..this next age? It's going to know..the end of my childhood. I won't be a kid anymore. I won't have an excuse to act like a jackass. It's accually kind of depressing.