Why bother!!!

Feeling: burned-out
I give up. A simple question to every1who reads this-wat do women want? Im clueless. Do you want a fella who will treat u the way u deserve or Do you want a fella who will treat u lik shit and only bother with you wen t suits them??? Do u want a fella who take u over his m8s or his m8s over u??? Please help. ive given up on findin any1 nemore. im sick2death of having my female friends tell me how their fellas treat them lik shit and next day are back with them sayin how great they are and it "only happens once off"!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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lol, ok *mwah* I can't tell you what all girls want but i know with me even though my ex has treated me like shit i still want him for security-if you dont have anyone else you just want him and its easy to forget the shittyness if the good times are really good. Well thats how i see it and i always thought i was smart enought not to be one of those 'but i want him back' types!
I would apprectie a guy whos nice. he can hang out with his friends as long as he dont forget about me. :)
Yup, it sucks knowing you dont want to feel like you. Do you still wake up every morning having forgotten yu dont have her any more or am i the only loser that happens to?? Can i add you as a friend?
That sucks, my ex left to do some courses then went to aus. Being apart sucks so much. I hate thinking about him all the time. I try not to, i read somewhere that you should count back from 100 in 3s but i get bored of htat and think of him! sad i know!
i shuld probably try the walking thing might counteract the chocolate! So today i have established that i'm not the only sucker and ireland is not part of the uk!( i knew that anyway just.. kinda neglected it!)
Damn! I always put my foot in it! Ok, your e-mail is deleted! Do you have msn?
girls are wierd, you have to understand that. in my opinion, i want a guy who is confident but not cocky.. who won't ditch me for his friends, but he has to actually have other friends.. guys who are too nice always seem to want something else, but guys who are complete asses are never worth a girl's time. hope i could help =)